A/B Test experiment design
At the time of this experiment, Udacity courses currently have two options on the course overview page: “start free trial”, and “access course materials”. If the student clicks “start free trial”, they will be asked to enter their credit card information, and then they will be enrolled in a free trial for the paid version of the course. After 14 days, they will automatically be charged unless they cancel first. If the student clicks “access course materials”, they will be able to view the videos and take the quizzes for free, but they will not receive coaching support or a verified certificate, and they will not submit their final project for feedback.
In the experiment, Udacity tested a change where if the student clicked “start free trial”, they were asked how much time they had available to devote to the course. If the student indicated 5 or more hours per week, they would be taken through the checkout process as usual. If they indicated fewer than 5 hours per week, a message would appear indicating that Udacity courses usually require a greater time commitment for successful completion, and suggesting that the student might like to access the course materials for free. At this point, the student would have the option to continue enrolling in the free trial, or access the course materials for free instead. This screenshot shows what the experiment looks like.
The hypothesis was that this might set clearer expectations for students upfront, thus reducing the number of frustrated students who left the free trial because they didn’t have enough time—without significantly reducing the number of students to continue past the free trial and eventually complete the course. If this hypothesis held true, Udacity could improve the overall student experience and improve coaches’ capacity to support students who are likely to complete the course.
The unit of diversion is a cookie, although if the student enrolls in the free trial, they are tracked by user-id from that point forward. The same user-id cannot enroll in the free trial twice. For users that do not enroll, their user-id is not tracked in the experiment, even if they were signed in when they visited the course overview page.
Instructions: link
Template: link
Baseline values: link
Invariant metrics
Metrics that should not change in the control and experimental groups:
- Number of cookies (number of unique cookies to view the course overview page): cannot be affected by the experiment because users made a decision to visit the page before they were asked the question.
- Number of clicks (number of unique cookies to click the “Start free trial” button, which happens before the free trial screener is triggered): cannot be affected by the experiment because users clicked the button before they were asked the question.
- Click-through-probability (number of unique cookies to click the “Start free trial” button divided by number of unique cookies to view the course overview page): cannot be affected by the experiment because it depends on number of cookies, that is invariant too.
Evaluation metrics
Metrics that should change in the control and experimental groups:
- Gross conversion (number of user-ids to complete checkout and enroll in the free trial divided by number of unique cookies to click the “Start free trial” button): can be affected by the experiment because users could decide to enroll in the free trial in the experimental group less than in the control group because they don’t plan to spend 5+ hours per week.
- Retention (number of user-ids to remain enrolled past the 14 days trial divided by number of user-ids to complete checkout): can be affected by the experiment because enrolled users should be more aware of the time they should spend on studying and so they could be more prone to pay past the free trial.
- Net conversion (number of user-ids to remain enrolled past the 14 days trial divided by the number of unique cookies to click the “Start free trial” button): can be affected by the experiment for the same reason as above.
Variability estimation
cookies_pageviews = 40000
cookies_clicks = 3200
daily_enrollments = 660
click_through_probability=0.08 # clicks / pageviews
cookies_sample_size = 5000
p_enroll_given_click = 0.20625 # enrollments / click --> gross conversion
p_pay_given_enroll = 0.53 # retention
p_pay_given_click = 0.1093125 # p_enroll_given_click * p_pay_given_enroll --> net conversion
import numpy as np
def std_estimate(p,size):
estimate = np.sqrt((p*(1-p))/size)
return estimate
# Analytic estimation of standard deviation for each evaluation metric chosen
# gross conversion std
gross_conversion_std = std_estimate(p_enroll_given_click, cookies_clicks/cookies_pageviews*cookies_sample_size)
print(f"Gross conversion standard deviation: {round(gross_conversion_std,4)}")
# retention std
retention_std = std_estimate(p_pay_given_enroll, daily_enrollments/cookies_pageviews*cookies_sample_size)
print(f"Retention standard deviation: {round(retention_std,4)}")
# net conversion std
net_conversion_std = std_estimate(p_pay_given_click, cookies_clicks/cookies_pageviews*cookies_sample_size)
print(f"Net conversion standard deviation: {round(net_conversion_std,4)}")
Gross conversion standard deviation: 0.0202
Retention standard deviation: 0.0549
Net conversion standard deviation: 0.0156
I decided not to use the Bonferroni correction because we are measuring three highly correlated metrics.
How many page do I need with alpha=0.05 and beta=0.2?
I use this online calculator
Gross conversion:
gross_conversion_size = int(25835*2*40000/3200)
print(f"Gross conversion control + experimental groups size: {gross_conversion_size}")
Gross conversion control + experimental groups size: 645875
retention_size = int(39115*2*40000/660)
print(f"Retention control + experimental groups size: {retention_size}")
Retention control + experimental groups size: 4741212
Net conversion:
net_conversion_size = int(27411*2*40000/3200)
print(f"Net conversion control + experimental groups size: {net_conversion_size}")
Net conversion control + experimental groups size: 685275
print("Pageviews needed:", max(gross_conversion_size,retention_size,net_conversion_size))
Pageviews needed: 4741212
Duration and exposure
Minimum duration for each metric (100% of traffic diverted)
from math import ceil
print("Days for gross coversion:", ceil(gross_conversion_size/cookies_pageviews))
print("Days for retention:", ceil(retention_size/cookies_pageviews))
print("Days for net coversion:", ceil(net_conversion_size/cookies_pageviews))
Days for gross coversion: 17
Days for retention: 119
Days for net coversion: 18
Even with 100% of traffic diverted for the experiment, the amount of days needed to measure appropriately the retention is incredibly high.
Dropping this metric we could decrease the percentage of traffic without increasing evenly the duration of the experiment.
Sanity checks
Final results available here
def confidence_interval(std):
m = 1.96 * std
return round(0.5 - m, 4), round(0.5 + m, 4)
Number of cookies:
pageviews_control_sum = 345543
pageviews_exp_sum = 344660
std_pageviews = np.sqrt(0.5*0.5/(pageviews_control_sum+pageviews_exp_sum))
ci_min,ci_max = confidence_interval(std_pageviews)
print("Pageviews C.I.:", (ci_min,ci_max))
print("Observed:", round(pageviews_control_sum/(pageviews_exp_sum+pageviews_control_sum), 4))
Pageviews C.I.: (0.4988, 0.5012)
Observed: 0.5006
Number of clicks on ‘Start free trial’:
click_control_sum = 28378
click_exp_sum = 28325
std_clicks = np.sqrt(0.5*0.5/(click_control_sum+click_exp_sum))
ci_min,ci_max = confidence_interval(std_clicks)
print("Pageviews C.I.:", (ci_min,ci_max))
print("Observed:", round(click_control_sum/(click_exp_sum+click_control_sum), 4))
Pageviews C.I.: (0.4959, 0.5041)
Observed: 0.5005
ctp_control = click_control_sum / pageviews_control_sum
ctp_exp = click_exp_sum / pageviews_exp_sum
d_hat = ctp_exp - ctp_control
std_ctp = np.sqrt((ctp_pool*(1-ctp_pool))*(1/pageviews_control_sum + 1/pageviews_exp_sum))
ci_min,ci_max = round(-1.96*std_ctp,4), round(1.96*std_ctp,4)
print("Pageviews C.I.:", (ci_min,ci_max))
print("Observed:", round(d_hat, 4))
Pageviews C.I.: (-0.0013, 0.0013)
Observed: 0.0001
Effect size test
For each evaluation metric, compute a 95% confidence interval around the difference, in order to evaluate if the difference between the control and the experimental group is statistically significant or not.
Gross conversion:
# d_min=0.01
clicks_cont_sum = 17293 # sum of control clicks when even the enrollments are tracked
clicks_exp_sum = 17260 # sum of experiment clicks when even the enrollments are tracked
enroll_cont_sum = 3785
enroll_exp_sum = 3423
p_pool = (enroll_exp_sum + enroll_cont_sum) / (clicks_exp_sum + clicks_cont_sum)
se_pool = np.sqrt(p_pool * (1-p_pool) * (1/clicks_cont_sum + 1/clicks_exp_sum))
margin = se_pool * 1.96
d_hat = enroll_exp_sum/clicks_exp_sum - enroll_cont_sum/clicks_cont_sum
lower_bound = round(d_hat-margin, 4)
upper_bound = round(d_hat+margin, 4)
print(f"Confidence Interval:{(lower_bound, upper_bound)}")
print("Observed:", round(d_hat, 4))
print ("\nStatistical significance?", upper_bound < 0 or lower_bound > 0,
"\nPractical significance? Yes because the CI doesn't include 0.01 or -0.01")
Confidence Interval:(-0.0291, -0.012)
Observed: -0.0206
Statistical significance? True
Practical significance? Yes because the CI doesn't include 0.01 or -0.01
# d_min=0.01
pay_cont_sum = 2033
pay_exp_sum = 1945
p_pool = (pay_cont_sum + pay_exp_sum) / (enroll_exp_sum + enroll_cont_sum)
se_pool = np.sqrt(p_pool * (1-p_pool) * (1/enroll_cont_sum + 1/enroll_exp_sum))
margin = se_pool * 1.96
d_hat = pay_exp_sum/enroll_exp_sum - pay_cont_sum/enroll_cont_sum
lower_bound = round(d_hat-margin, 4)
upper_bound = round(d_hat+margin, 4)
print(f"Confidence Interval:{(lower_bound, upper_bound)}")
print("Observed:", round(d_hat, 4))
print ("\nStatistical significance?", upper_bound < 0 or lower_bound > 0,
"\nPractical significance? No because the CI includes 0.01")
Confidence Interval:(0.0081, 0.0541)
Observed: 0.0311
Statistical significance? True
Practical significance? No because the CI includes 0.01
Net conversion:
# d_min=0.0075
clicks_cont_sum = 17293 # sum of control clicks when even the payments are tracked
clicks_exp_sum = 17260 # sum of experiment clicks when even the payments are tracked
p_pool = (pay_exp_sum + pay_cont_sum) / (clicks_exp_sum + clicks_cont_sum)
se_pool = np.sqrt(p_pool * (1-p_pool) * (1/clicks_cont_sum + 1/clicks_exp_sum))
margin = se_pool * 1.96
d_hat = pay_exp_sum/clicks_exp_sum - pay_cont_sum/clicks_cont_sum
lower_bound = round(d_hat-margin, 4)
upper_bound = round(d_hat+margin, 4)
print(f"Confidence Interval:{(lower_bound, upper_bound)}")
print("Observed:", round(d_hat, 4))
print ("\nStatistical significance?", upper_bound < 0 or lower_bound > 0,
"\nPractical significance? No")
Confidence Interval:(-0.0116, 0.0019)
Observed: -0.0049
Statistical significance? False
Practical significance? No
Sign test
For each of your evaluation metrics, do a sign test using the day-by-day data, and report the p-value of the sign test and whether the result is statistically significant.
Gross conversion:
from scipy.stats import binom_test
# ratio between enrollments and clicks day-by-day:
enroll_click_ratio_cont = [0.1950509461, 0.188703466, 0.1837183718,0.1866028708,0.1947431302,0.1676792224,0.1951871658,0.1740506329,0.1895803184,0.1916376307,0.2260668973,0.1933174224,0.1909774436,0.3268945022,0.2547033285,0.2274011299,0.3069828722,0.2092391304,0.2652232747,0.227520436,0.2464589235,0.2290748899,0.2972582973]
enroll_click_ratio_exp = [0.1530612245,0.1477707006,0.1640271493,0.1668681983,0.1682692308,0.1637055838,0.1628205128,0.1441717791,0.1721664275,0.1779069767,0.1655092593,0.1598002497,0.1900311526,0.2783357245,0.1898355755,0.2207792208,0.2762645914,0.2201086957,0.2764786795,0.2843406593,0.2520775623,0.2043165468,0.2513812155]
gc_diff = sum(e>c for e,c in zip(enroll_click_ratio_exp, enroll_click_ratio_cont))
print("Num. exp ratio > control ratio:", gc_diff)
gc_p_value = binom_test(gc_diff, n= len(enroll_click_ratio_cont), p=0.5)
print("Is the difference statistically significant?", gc_p_value < 0.05)
print("p-value:", gc_p_value)
Num. exp ratio > control ratio: 4
Is the difference statistically significant? True
p-value: 0.0025994777679443364
# ratio between payments and enrollments day-by-day:
pay_enrolls_ratio_cont = [0.5223880597,0.4761904762,0.5688622754,0.6730769231,0.3926380368,0.5942028986,0.5205479452,0.6363636364,0.4580152672,0.5878787879,0.5357142857,0.5679012346,0.4409448819,0.5545454545,0.7272727273,0.6459627329,0.5321888412,0.5909090909,0.4387755102,0.4491017964,0.5804597701,0.5961538462,0.3252427184]
pay_enrolls_ratio_exp = [0.3238095238,0.7844827586,0.5448275862,0.6666666667,0.6714285714,0.4728682171,0.3464566929,0.6595744681,0.6416666667,0.6405228758,0.4965034965,0.546875,0.5573770492,0.4845360825,0.6377952756,0.660130719,0.558685446,0.7407407407,0.4776119403,0.3236714976,0.6758241758,0.7042253521,0.5659340659]
ret_diff = sum(e>c for e,c in zip(pay_enrolls_ratio_exp, pay_enrolls_ratio_cont))
print("Num. exp ratio > control ratio:", ret_diff)
ret_p_value = binom_test(ret_diff, n= len(pay_enrolls_ratio_cont), p=0.5)
print("Is the difference statistically significant?", ret_p_value < 0.05)
print("p-value:", ret_p_value)
Num. exp ratio > control ratio: 13
Is the difference statistically significant? False
p-value: 0.6776394844055175
Net conversion:
# ratio between payments and enrollments day-by-day:
pay_clicks_ratio_cont = [0.1018922853,0.08985879332,0.104510451,0.1255980861,0.07646356033,0.09963547995,0.1016042781,0.1107594937,0.08683068017,0.112659698,0.1211072664,0.1097852029,0.08421052632,0.1812778603,0.1852387844,0.1468926554,0.163372859,0.1236413043,0.1163734777,0.1021798365,0.1430594901,0.1365638767,0.09668109668]
pay_clicks_ratio_exp = [0.04956268222,0.1159235669,0.08936651584,0.1112454655,0.1129807692,0.07741116751,0.05641025641,0.09509202454,0.1104734577,0.1139534884,0.08217592593,0.08739076155,0.1059190031,0.1348637016,0.1210762332,0.1457431457,0.1543450065,0.1630434783,0.1320495186,0.09203296703,0.1703601108,0.1438848921,0.1422651934,]
nc_diff = sum(e>c for e,c in zip(pay_clicks_ratio_exp, pay_clicks_ratio_cont))
print("Num. exp ratio > control ratio:", nc_diff)
nc_p_value = binom_test(nc_diff, n= len(pay_clicks_ratio_cont), p=0.5)
print("Is the difference statistically significant?", nc_p_value < 0.05)
print("p-value:", nc_p_value)
Num. exp ratio > control ratio: 10
Is the difference statistically significant? False
p-value: 0.6776394844055175
Final thoughts
I would recommend not to deploy this change. + We had to achieve two objectives in order to launch the change - 1) reduce the number of frustrated students who left the free trial because they didn’t have enough time 2) without significantly reducing the number of students who complete the free trial and make at least one payment.
There was a statistically and practically significant decrease in gross conversion; so we would decrease the number of students who complete check out because the expectations were correctly set up front and the frustrated students are already filtered out. This is a good point.
The net conversion was not statistically significant. Looking closely to the data, it’s even possible that the number of students who complete the free trial and make at least one payment would be reduced. This is not desirable because would lead to a potential loss of incomes.
We have not enough data to draw conclusions about the retention. So, we do not know if enrolled students would be disappointed in the learning process less and make more payments or would not.